The weather in South Tyrol
Today Sa.21.Sep
10°C / 22°C
Weather situation
There will be little change in the weather situation, the Alps will be in the area of weak air pressure differences.
The weather today
Low stratus clouds in the morning will clear and it will become sunny. A few cumuliform clouds will develop over the mountains as the day progresses.
Estimated temperatures in Bressanone/Brixen: from 10°C to 22°C

Sunday 22.09

Monday 23.09

Tuesday 24.09

10°C / 22°C
Very cloudy
11°C / 20°C
Cloudy, moderate rain
11°C / 19°C

More changeable at the beginning of the new week

Sunday will begin with widespread low stratus clouds. In the morning, however, the sun should prevail in most valleys and it will be quite friendly.
Monday will be variably cloudy, with the sun only appearing occasionally. A few rain showers will develop in the afternoon and evening.
Tuesday will remain changeable, clouds will predominate and rain showers will occur again during the day.
Wednesday many clouds and only some sun, some rain in the afternoon is possible.